Own The Moment. Own Your Life. Human Powered Episode number eleven.

Own The Moment. Own Your Life.

Jan 30, 2024

Read time: 4 minutes


I’ve spent the better part of the last 8 years consuming books, lectures and podcasts on the topics of fitness, nutrition, sleep, performance psychology, habit formation, entrepreneurship, leadership and personal success.

When I step back and look at them all, there is one core theme that runs through each one of these topics and connects them all together.

That theme is: taking ownership of the present moment.

The more you can “own” the present moment, the greater power you have to achieve the goals, results, outcomes, impact or legacy you deeply desire.

In order to exercise greater control of the present moment, you must first understand how you relate to the 3 dimensions of time.


The 3 Dimensions Of Time

Your life is lived in 3 time dimensions:

  • The future
  • The past
  • The present

The future is wildly dynamic. It is heavily influenced by the choices, habits and actions you make. 

The past is wholly static. Thoughts, words and actions that cannot be altered… YET they all strongly influence your future (the accumulation of your habits, actions, reputation, relationships, choices, etc all greatly influence what may be available or possible in your future). 

The present moment is where you exist.

Everything you do happens in the present moment: 

  • thinking a thought…
  • speaking a sentence…
  • going outside for a short walk… 
  • reading Joseph’s email newsletter…

…this all happens in the “right now” of time.

But, every second, the things you do in the present become your past.

And as all these present moments pile up in your past, they directly influence what will happen in your future.

Here’s the point: what you choose to do right now, in this present moment, is what will create your past, which then shapes your future and will, ultimately, determine your life story.

This is why taking greater ownership of the present moment is so incredibly powerful, because the present moment is the ONLY moment in your ENTIRE life that you can directly control or influence what you do, what you achieve and who you become.

I, in no way, have mastered this skill, but I do want to share two of the things I’m currently doing that are helping me develop greater ownership over my choices and actions.


Cultivating Awareness & Being More Present

In order to make a decision, you must first be aware that you have the opportunity to do so.

Most people go through life REACTING vs RESPONDING. 

Something happens (usually stressful or frustrating) and instead of RESPONDING (pausing to consciously think through all their options in order to select the response that they deem is best), they instantly REACT (usually the first urge that crosses their mind).

Increasing your awareness (i.e. learning to slow down, pause, and really THINK before you respond to circumstances) will allow you to make decisions that will more positively influence your future.

I’ve discovered that visual reminders are really helping train my mind to be more aware and make better decisions. Reminders such as:

  • Post-it notes stuck places that I will see them (cell phone screen, refrigerator door, bathroom mirror, etc)
  • Reminders on my phone
  • A bracelet or jewelry specifically worn to remind me of something

There are many, many methods for developing creator awareness and presence. As usual, you may need to experiment with different options to find what works best for you.


Take A 5-Minute Action

The curse of greater awareness is perfectionism / procrastination.

Knowing that a “great” option exists out there may discourage you from making the “good” choice now. Remember, non-action doesn’t create any momentum, progress or results. Do what you are able to do now, and avoid the trap of waiting around for what’s “perfect.”

A 5-minute action is a practical way to do this.

No matter if you’re running low on time, energy or motivation; you can always do something that moves you closer to your goals for at least 5 minutes.

At minimum, in those 5 minutes, you will have moved a few steps closer to your goal (freak’n HECK YEAH!). And sometimes, you’ll catch fire and those 5 minutes become 10, 20 or 60!

“Do something” is a simple, but powerful mantra that reminds me to own my present moment and take an action (even if only 5 minutes) that will shape the future results, outcomes and life that I want.

I really hope this helps. 

Life is short, time is precious, and the choices we make powerfully shape the person we become, the impact we create, and the fulness of life we live.

See you next week.

Whenever you're ready, here's 2 ways I can help you:

1. Schedule a free, 20-minute nutrition strategy session to figure out the next 1-3 actions that will help you make progress toward your goals.

2. Follow on Instagram for daily tips, tools and strategies to elevate your health, fitness and human performance.

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