3-Layer Goals: Set Goals That Get Results

Nov 30, 2023

Read time: 4 minutes


If you’re seeking to improve your health, fitness and performance, your chances of successfully doing so will be MUCH greater if you set a goal.

But not just any goal.

This past year, I’ve stumbled across a unique goal-setting framework that is both intuitive and simple, yet very effective.

Setting goals in this manner has greatly increased my daily consistency which has helped me generate results much more quickly.

This framework creates what I call a “3 Layer Goal” and (as you probably guessed) it has 3 steps.

  1. A Specific Outcome: what exactly do you want to achieve?
  2. A “Big Why”: Why does this really matter to you?
  3. A 2.0 Identity: Who will you BE once you’re living with your outcome?

A 3-Layer Goal is your roadmap to that healthier, fitter, more energized version of you. It’s like your car GPS. How crazy would it be to load up the car and set out on a trip to Yellowstone National Park… and not have any real idea how to get there??

This type of goal will help you determine exactly what to do to get results, will keep you motivated on the days you don’t feel like sticking to it, and will help you maintain your amazing results once you’ve achieved them

Pretty cool, right?

However, most people either skip this step entirely OR make goal setting waaaayyy more complicated than it needs to be.

But you’re not going to make that mistake, so let’s dive in.

Step #1 A Specific Outcome

A 3-Layer Goal has a clear, specific finish line.

There must be something you can measure that will show you the exact moment you’ve successfully reached your goal.

Most people make the mistake of setting a vague outcome goal such as “getting back on track with a workout program.”

This is a wonderful intention.. but how exactly will they know when they’ve successfully “gotten back on track with a workout program?” Is it renewing their gym membership? Is it walking for 15 minutes during their lunch break? Who knows.

Instead, specify an endpoint using a specific date, time, number, or metric.

Here’s what this may look like: go from “Getting back on track with a workout program” to “Going to the gym at least 2x per week for a month.”

“Going to the gym at least 2x per week for a month” has a clear “finish line” as it now has two metrics to measure: a number (2x per week) and a date / time (1 month).

You are far more likely to successfully make progress when you have a clear end in sight, so the first step is to set a clear, specific outcome.

Step #2 A “Big Why”

Your “Big Why” is the deep, true reason you’re feeling driven to make a positive change, aka, “go to the gym at least 2x per week for a month.”

Oftentimes, it’s rooted in fears, insecurities, pains, dreams or desires that live deep within.

Identifying the true, deep, actual “why” driving the motivation for making a change is powerful, because it connects your outcome goal to the power of your emotions, values and core desires.

It shifts your outcome goal from something that “would be nice” to something that “is pivotal for my personal success, happiness and fulfillment.”

To discover your “Big Why” ask yourself a series of “why” questions until you reveal the deepest motivating reason.

Here’s an example:

Question: Why do I want to “get back in shape” / go to the gym 2x per week?

Answer: I want to be able to move around more without being so out of breath.

Question: And why is being able to move around more without being out of breath so important to me?

Answer: Because my daughter is getting married in 6 months, and I’m worried that I may not be able to do the Father - Daughter dance without getting out of breath.

Question: And why is it important to not be breathing hard during the Father - Daughter dance?

Answer: Because that is a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I don’t want to be distracted because I’m physically struggling to dance.


Sometimes identifying the Big Why can be painful to face. But if you do, you’ll be 100x more likely to consistently make progress on your goal once you’ve clearly identified the “stakes” or why this goal matters so very much to you.

Wouldn’t it be MUCH more difficult to skip workouts if you’re thinking about the upcoming Father - Daughter dance… rather than just “getting back in shape?”

So, the second step is to uncover why this goal really, truly, deeply matters to you.

Step #3 A 2.0 Identity.

The final step is to clearly identify who you’ll be once you’re living as the version of you that’s attained your goal.

What are you now doing?

What are you now feeling?

What thoughts are you thinking?

What is now possible to you that wasn’t previously?

Take 2-3 minutes and visualize this 2.0 Version of you.

Write out a brief description of what you see.

This simple exercise is powerful, as it not only makes the “finish line” more clear and specific, but also begins training your subconscious mind to behave more like the version of you that has already achieved that goal.

Since the 2.0 Version of you goes to the gym at least 2x per week… you will subconsciously begin to prioritize going to the gym 2x / week… which strengthens the identity of being someone who regularly goes to the gym… and on this virtuous cycle goes!

  • Identity triggers behaviors.
  • Behaviors strengthen identity.
  • The cycle repeats.

Action: Set A 3-Layer Goal

Think about a goal you have right now (any goal works, not just health / fitness goals)

Now, make that goal a 3-Layer Goal by:

  1. Giving it a clear outcome or “finish line” by specifying a date, time, number, or metric.
  2. Identifying the “Big Why” behind this goal by asking yourself a series of “why does this matter” questions.
  3. Visualizing (and jotting down a few notes about) the version of you that has successfully reached your goal.

Because this 3-Layer Goal combines your identity & core values, your emotions & desires, and your focus + motivation into one single target, you will be MUCH more likely to stay consistent and successfully reach your goal.

Now let’s go crush some goals (and in so doing, enjoy a more epic, fulfilling, meaningful life.)

See you next week.


Whenever you're ready, here's 2 ways I can help you:

1. Schedule a free, 20-minute nutrition strategy session to figure out the next 1-3 actions that will help you make progress toward your goals.

2. Follow on Instagram for daily tips, tools and strategies to elevate your health, fitness and human performance.

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