Magic Meal Template: Design Healthy Meals In 10 Seconds Or Less

Dec 12, 2023

Read Time: 4 Minutes


Mealtimes are one of the most powerful factors that determine how your body looks and performs. 

The average American will eat approximately 83,220 meals during their lifetime. That’s 83,220 actions that directly influence how you look, feel, think, move and perform. 

Yet, despite how obviously important these 83,000+ meals are… few people ever develop a strategy for how to do them well.

Over the past 2 years, I’ve developed a simple “template” that, in 10 seconds or less, helps me decide exactly what I’m going to eat for a meal. The best part is, this framework works for any meal: at home, dining out, in the airport, in the AirBnb, etc. 

I call it the “Magic Meal” template and it has 4 steps:

  1. Start With Protein
  2. Add a veggie?
  3. Add a fat?
  4. Add a carb?

Step #1 is mandatory 99% of the time (I never try to miss it). Steps 2-4 are “optional” depending on the meal or the specific circumstances of my day. 

So, Let’s break this down starting with Step #1.


Step #1 Start With Protein

When approaching any “normal” meal (think breakfast, lunch or dinner; not a pre- or post-exercise snack) I always choose my protein source first… then build the rest of the meal from that.

Protein repairs your muscles and body from daily stressors, reduces your hunger / food cravings between meals, and generally keeps you leaner, stronger, and more fit. It’s best eaten at regular intervals over the course of the day (sounds like mealtimes, eh?), so always start with choosing your protein-rich food item.

How much protein? Aim for at least 20-30 grams with each meal (you can eat more if desired).

Once you’ve chosen your protein source, it’s time to move through steps 2-4 and build out the rest of the meal. 


Step #2 Add a Veggie?

Vegetables are incredible. 

Not only are they jam-packed full of nutrients and minerals that optimize the health and performance of all your body’s systems… they also help reduce your hunger levels and food cravings between meals. 

There are two ways you can easily add vegetables to a meal.

The first is to build them into the entreé. 

Tacos? Chop tomatoes and onions to use as toppings. Spaghetti? Pan fry some chopped broccoli, onion, zucchini or mushrooms to add to the spaghetti sauce (trust me, this is a GAME CHANGER).

The second is to add them as a side. 

There are literally millions of ways to do this: a side salad, steamed, air fried (with a bit of olive oil), chopped up raw (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet carrots, YUM). Pro tip: getting creative with spices and sauces can turn a bland veggie into a tasty treat!

If you want to lose fat, stay lean, get fit, optimize your health and do this all on “autopilot”... starting figuring out how to add veggies to most meals. 


Step #3 Add a Fat?

Fats help your cells, hormones, immune system and brain function optimally . They also help give you that “ahhh yesss” feeling of satisfaction after a meal is done.

There are two easy ways to build fats into a meal: cooking oils or condiments. 

For meals such as stir-fry (saute / pan frying), your fat can easily be the oil you use to fry the rest of the food. Other food items (such as sandwiches, salads, etc) the fat source can be a condiment such as mayonnaise, butter or dressing.

(Speaking of mayonnaise...)

How much fat per meal? Totally depends on individual needs, but 100-200 calories from fat (or about 1-2 Tablespoons of oil or fat-containing condiment) is a good starting point.


Step #4 Add A Carb?

Oh, carbohydrates. A gift from the gods to sweeten the pain and drudgery of mortality.

Carbs are your brain and body’s preferred energy source. Similar to fats, they also help provide a feeling of “satisfaction” after a meal. 

In general, carbs that have more fiber + nutrients (whole grain products, whole fruits, beans, veggies, tubers/potatoes) are going to be more filling and more satisfying than carbs that have less fiber + nutrients (soda, chips, candy bars, etc). BUT, simply eating a balance between both these “families” of carbs will get you leaner, fitter and healthier than 90% of the population.

How many carbs per meal? Just like fats, it totally depends on individual needs and lifestyle factors such as daily activity levels, absence/presence of metabolic diseases, and more… but a good place to start is 100-200 calories per meal (or 25-50 grams of carbs). 


Magic Meal Template In Action

In summary, anytime and anywhere you are making, ordering or purchasing a meal… take 10 seconds to run your options through the Magic Meal template:

  1. What will be the protein source?
  2. Can I include a veggie in this meal?
  3. Can I include a fat?
  4. Can I include a carb?

You are now armed with a very fast + simple framework for choosing what foods to eat, purchase, or order so you can eat meals that will help you live as a more happy, healthy, kick-ass version of you. 

See you next week.


Whenever you're ready, here's 2 ways I can help you:

1. Schedule a free, 20-minute nutrition strategy session to figure out the next 1-3 actions that will help you make progress toward your goals.

2. Follow on Instagram for daily tips, tools and strategies to elevate your health, fitness and human performance.

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