Tactical Fruit: Turn The Tide Of The War On Snacks

Episode #27

Growing up, I was a sucker for cool “tactical” stuff. Slap
“Tactical” on something and I wanted it. A vest? Meh. A “Tactical” vest? YES PLEASE!

So, in the spirit of making simple nutrition cool again, I present you one of my secret “tactical” healthy eating skills. This tactical strategy will help keep you lean, fit and high performing without even realizing it. The “Tactical” Whole Fruit Snack is a tactical way to turn the tables of a classic “snack attack” in your favor. I hope you give it a tactical listen and that I helps you more fully live a healthier, happier, high performing life.

To your health, impact, and living more fully alive!


p.s. Please, Please PLEASE tactically rate and review the podcast! (it helps out a TON) https://apple.co/3X3MWdT


Have questions? (or just wanna chat?) Message me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itscoachjoseph/


p.p.s. How many times did I say “tactical” in this show bio? (lols in tactical laughing).