A Hammer Or A Bulldozer? (A Tempting Mistake That Can Cost You Years Of Robust Health)

Episode #23

Imagine with me for a moment… you just bought a house! Yay!!!!


And it’s PERFECT…. expect for those kitchen cabinets… and the bathroom linoleum… and the weird half wall blocking in the kitchen…


Ok, it’s a great house but it could use a few tweaks to make it the DREAM house. 


So what do you do?


Option A: Pick up a hammer and remodel each room, one at a time.

Option B: Bulldoze the entire house and build a completely new one.


… I hope you picked “Option A” and I hope you agree that “Option B” is pure crazy-pants!


Buuuuut. Many of us choose the Bulldozer when it comes to starting a new diet or fitness plan. 


All too often, we make a TON of changes all at once and completely bulldoze our existing schedule, habits, and routines. 


Unfortunately, just like the house example… that rarely ends well. 


So in today’s episode, I’m going to give you a few “Hammer” ideas for “remodeling” your health and fitness without destroying everything. 


Basically, how to “flatten” your stomach without flattening “the house.” (see what I did there? hehehe)


I hope you enjoy and find it helpful!


To your health, impact, and living more fully alive!




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