4 Questions To Break Free From Procrastination... Yet Nobody Asks Them

Episode #22

In this episode, you're going to discover 4 questions that can help you break free from procrastination and just do the darn thing.

While it may appear like no big deal, procrastination is one of most powerful forces preventing you from pursuing, and achieving, the dreams you have for yourself and your life.

And the reason why most people get trapped in "Procrastination Swamp" isn't about lacking enough willpower, motivation, or disciple.. it's actually about clarity. 

There are always two "invisible" (and often subconscious) forces inside your mind that are causing you to procrastinate. 

And until you "shine a light" on them and clearly see what they are, you may stay stuck in the goopy muck of procrastination. 

Break free from "Procrastination Swamp" with 4 Crazy Questions

In just 20 minutes, you're going to:

  • Discover the two "invisible" forces that make you procrastinate
  • Break free from Procrastination Swap with the 4 Crazy Questions
  • Bridge the Knowing-Doing Gap and finally just "do the darn thing!"
  • Take the next step toward your epic dreams and goals

Download your 4 Crazy Questions Worksheet here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/159jG7Xbaj7cq_bXpkq90lWzTcrctYU1C/view?usp=sharing

I hope you find this as useful as I have!!

Onward my friends!