The Great Diet Deception (And What To Do Instead)

Episode #20

In 2008, Michale Phelps set a world record while SWIMMING BLIND!

As Phelps dove into the water to start the race, his goggles failed to seal properly against his face… instantly flooding them with water and leaving Phelps swimming blind.

Unable to see the lines painted on the bottom of the pool, Phelps would have no idea when to initiate his turn when approaching the pool wall. 

Or would he?

See, Phelps had trained and prepared for this exact scenario. 

He learned how to count his strokes so he could perfectly time his flip turn and re-launch himself into the next lap… all without seeing anything. 

Crazy pants, right?

You know what crazier still?

Phelps set a WORLD RECORD in that race… all while swimming blind. 

Because Phelps trained for the “messy” moments (when conditions were faaaar less than ideal) he was able to win (and set a WORLD RECORD no less) regardless of the conditions. 

This got me thinking… this 100% applies to how we often approach diets, health, and fitness. 

Diets often tell us that “perfect” is the only way to get results. 

“Eat zero carbs.”

“Cut out all sugar.”

“Only eat between these hours.”

But this approach is a massive mistake, because it sets you up to only win when the conditions are perfect. 

But when life throws you a curveball:

-The kids get sick

-Your car gets rear ended

-You travel for the holidays

-You sprain an ankle

And conditions are faaaaaaar less than perfect and ideal… your “perfect” diet or exercise routine will probably crash and burn. 

So, here’s what I suggest you do instead.

After listening to this episode, you’ll:

-Never again fall for the Great Diet Deception

-Get a process that will move closer to your goals no matter what… even if the kids are puking everywhere

-Get your hands on the mindset that Phelps used to ensure his success 

-And more!

I hope you find this episode as useful as I did!

To your health, impact, and living more fully alive!