Do New Year’s Resolutions Work? Joe-ology. 5-Second Goal Setting For Busy Peeps.

Episode #18

Every year around this time, the internet and social media erupt with everyone and their grandma’s hot takes regarding if new year’s resolutions work or not. 

Do they?

You want something better than my hot take?

How about a little Joe-ology on this matter: it literally doesn’t matter. 

Resolution or not, the only thing that actually matters is if you take (consistent / frequent) action toward the outcomes, results, and goals you want. 

It’s really that simple. 

So next year when your aunt says that resolutions are silly and a waste of time, just drop her a comment  like: “Bruh, are you even taking action tho?”

Ya know, how you speak to your aunt??


In this episode I’ll share with you my super simple, 5-Second framework for setting effective goals (it is procrastination + perfectionist proof) that doesn't require cumbersome goal setting formulas or acronyms like SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). 

I’ll also share 4 steps to you can take that massivley increase your odds of taking action toward your goals and dreams… especially on the days where you have ZERO motivation, desire, or willpower. 

Let’s make 2023 a year that we break out of your comfort zones and really begin to live at the edge of our potential. 

I hope you’ll join me for the ride. Happy new year all!

To your health, impact, and living more fully alive!

Coach Joseph


Become a founding member of the Lean Operating System!!

In less than 30 days, I’m going to be opening the doors for the very first time to my new program where you will lose 10 or more pounds and keep it off using simple, sustainable, habits + skills.

I’ll be offering a MASSIVE financial discount to founding members (+ a 100% money back guarentee), lifetime access to any future versions of the program, and founders-only merch!

If losing 10+ lbs is one of your goals for 2023, but you don’t want to go on another diet, please consider joining the Lean Ooerating System founders group!

DM me the phrase “LOS” (Lean Operating System) on Instagram for more info

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