The Home-Run Meals Blueprint: Easy-To-Make Meals That You Love (And Get You Lean)

Episode #16

The meals we eat determine how much we weigh and how lean we get (and stay).

Meals cooked at home have consistently been shown to be a powerful way to not just lost fat and stay lean but also to optimize our daily energy levels, biometrics, and overall health + performance. 

But cooking at home can seriously suck. 

It takes wayyyyyy more time to grocery shop, chop up the food, cook the food, do the dishes, and store the food than it does to call Dominos or drive through Taco Bell. 

I’m here to change that. 

In this episode, I’m going to give you my Home Run Meals Framework.

This is a system I’ve developed to identify specific foods and meals that:

1. Support my health + fitness goals

2. Are simple, easy, and quick to shop, prep, and make

3. And are actually foods / meals that I LIKE!!

Yes I said it!! Getting lean and healthy doesn’t mean that you need to eat gross, “healthy” food. 

As Hannah Montana famously proved, you can, in fact, have the best of both worlds.

You can crush your health and fitness goals WHILE eating foods you actually love & crave.

If this sounds like something you want to do, listen to this episode and start using the Home Run Meals framework.

I hope you find this as useful as I have!

To your health, impact, and living more fully alive!