Use This 3-Part Process For Making Powerful Decisions To Elevate Your Impact & Influence

Episode #15

Do you ever feel stuck or paralyzed making a decision?

You don’t know what to do at first, so you put if off to think more… and the longer you think about it the more stress, overwhelm, and despair set in?

It can be a vicious cycle. 

The ability to identify and analyze all your available options, project different results or outcomes, and then make reasonable, analytical, goal-aligned decisions is absolutely vital for living a high impact, high influence life.

Time is our most valuable asset. 

Hesitation and inaction (what happens when we are stuck making a decision), rob us of the one precious asset we can never get back.

Hesitation and inaction are the single greatest regret of those on their death bed: regretting the actions they didn’t take, the opportunities they didn’t pursue, and the dreams they never actualized.

As those seeking to live fully alive, we don’t want to allow ourselves to be limited by hesitation and stuck making a decision.

It’s very easy to allow stress, worry, anxiety or fear to influence the choices we make (and therefore the outcomes we receive) in life. 

Today I want to share with you a very simple, 3-step process (that takes only 5-20 minutes) for cutting through procrastination, worry, fear, and confusion so that you can make powerful decisions that move you toward the person you wish to be, the actions you wish to take, and the lifestyle you wish to live.

This process will “dial down” your hyperactive nervous system and place you in a calm, positive state from which you will make powerful choices. 

I hope you find this episode as valuable as I have. 

Here’s to impact, influence, and living more fully alive.


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