How To Drop 10-20 lbs (Without Dieting)

Episode #13

Diets Suck.

By “diets” I mean popular patterns of eating such as:




-Whole 30

They require TONS of effort and sacrifice and…..

They rarely ever work. 

Yes, you may lose some weight while on the diet, but it nearly always comes back once you stop. 

These diets trap you in this exhausting cycle of chasing after the life and health you deeply desire. 

It doesn’t need to be this way. 

You can lose fat, get leaner, stronger, healthier and more energetic (the REAL you amiright?) without dieting. 

All it takes is simply aligning your behaviors with a few principles of health and vitality.

Listen to this episode if you’re ready to lose 10-20 lbs by:

-Discovering the 4 timeless principles of a lean body

-Knowing exactly how much protein you should eat each day

-Strategically reducing your cravings for sugar and snack foods

-A clear target for fruit + veggie portions

-Knowing why resistance training is “magic” for fat loss

These are the same principles I personally follow.