Health Freedom | A Manifesto For Those Who Want To Live Fully Alive

Episode #12

You may be bankrupt and you don’t even realize it. 

I’m not talking about money.

I hope you have plenty of that. 

I’m talking about your health.

You see, incredible health and wealth are built with the same formula:

Consistent Investments + Time = Massive Result 

Most of us say we want to achieve financial freedom: to have enough money where we can live a lifestyle not limited by a paycheck or a job. This is often the ultimate goal sitting atop the “pyramid” of success. 

But I argue that financial freedom (as amazing as it is) is only one side of the coin. 

The other side is our health.

What good is being financially free if your health is so poor you can’t enjoy your wealth and lifestyle?

Health is built by the same formula as wealth.

It’s consistent “investments” (exercise, wise nutrition choices, good sleep hygiene, etc) that, over time, give us the body, the energy, and the robust vitality that we desire. 

How many of us think about building health in the same way we build wealth?

I saw that this approach was lacking in the health + fitness culture, so I created it. 

In this episode, I want to introduce you to, what I call, Health Freedom

This is my manifesto for those of us who want to truly live fully alive. 

I hope it resonates with you.