3 (Uncommon) Strategic Systems That Get You Leaner, Fitter, And Healthier

Episode #10

Do you struggle to stick-to your new diet? Gym membership? Healthy habit?


If you spend much time on social media these days, most influencers say you just need more discipline, willpower, or motivation.

“You just need to WANT it BAD ENOUGH.”

The problem is….. This “just want it bad enough” approach just doesn’t work well.

Nor is it actually the best, most scientific / proven approach either.

I’m not saying motivation, willpower, or discipline AREN’T important (I’m the biggest proponent of the value of discipline); they just aren’t the best approach to staying consistent with health, diet, or exercise behaviors.

Enter what I call, Strategic System Design. 

Strategic system design is intentionally shaping our environments in a manner that automatically encourages us (or pushes us in a very polite way) toward doing the healthy behavior even if we don’t FEEL motivated.

If you’ve been struggling to stick to a new behavior, listen to this episode so you can “automate” your health behaviors so you build a better body, better mind, and better life. 

On this episode, I’ll show you how to:

  • Avoid the trap of the willpower / discipline cult
  • Multiply your desire to take action by tapping into your deeper purpose
  • Re-design your surroundings so they automatically “nudge” you to action
  • Leverage the power of social support for longevity and consistency

Would you like help designing your own strategic systems into your daily life?

Shoot me a DM on instagram (@itscoachjoseph) and I’ll help you install one into your schedule and lifestyle!