4 Mealtime Tweaks To Help Reduce Frequent, Mindless Snacking

Episode #4

This past year I traded a very high physically demanding job for a work-from-home desk job. 

And…I started getting a bit “fluffy.”

After doing some simple, self-observation of my eating habits, I realized that all the “in-between-meals” snacking I was doing was the biggest contributing factor of the weight I was gaining. 

So I set out to find simple ways that I could reduce the constant hunger and cravings which were driving my snacking habit. 

I hit my nutrition books and came up with 4 simple mealtime tweaks that (when I started doing them) helped me feel more full for much longer after meals, effectively reducing my hunger/cravings for snacks. 

These 4 mealtime tweaks have allowed me to drop a few lbs and maintain a leaner body composition to this point. 

If you also wonder if “in-between meal snacking” may be preventing you from achieving and maintaining the body composition you’d like, give this show a listen!!

I hope you find it as helpful as I found it :)