One Simple Strategy To Maintain Epic Health, Wellness, And Fitness When You Have Zero Time, Energy, And Motivation

Episode #2

Over this past year, I've experienced a season in life where all my motivation dried up.

I know longer had any desire or drive to exercise, follow healthy eating habits, and protect my sleep schedule.

During that season, I fell back on a simple strategy called bare minimums, and this strategy powerfully helped me to maintain a decent level of energy, creative, mental clarity, positively, fitness, and overall mojo.

If you find yourself in a "slump." Whether its a day, week, month, or season of life where you just don't have any motivation or drive to keep investing in your health, wellness, and fitness... this may be the very thing that allows you to keep pressing onward!

I hope this helps!

p.s. I hang out over on Instagram @itscoachjoseph

I invite you to come join me in the journey as we pursue our purpose, maximize our impact and live deeply fulfilling, meaningful lives!