Human Powered

Human Powered

Hosted by: Joseph Oehlschlaeger

Welcome to Human Powered, a podcast that will help you live more happy, healthy, fit and FREE! Here, you'll get simple, actionable steps for optimizing nutrition, exercise, sleep, habits and psychology so you can...

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EP 29 | You Are What You Consume

Episode #29

“You are what you eat.” But…. Is that ACTUALLY true? On today’s episode, I’m going to reveal 3 “buckets” or “pillars” of consumption that shape our waistlines, our bank accounts, and ultimately who we are as...
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Modular Meal Prep: Make Meal Prep Fast, Easy and Flexible

Episode #28

Want to make reaching (and maintaining) your fat loss, health, or fitness goals simple, fast and easy? We all know that home cooked meals are always the most nutritious… but they can take so much time and effort…...
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Tactical Fruit: Turn The Tide Of The War On Snacks

Episode #27

Growing up, I was a sucker for cool “tactical” stuff. Slap “Tactical” on something and I wanted it. A vest? Meh. A “Tactical” vest? YES PLEASE! So, in the spirit of making simple nutrition cool again, I present you...
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Become A Highly Skilled Eater By Harnessing The "4 Horseman" Of Eating

Episode #26

What matters more: (1) what you’re eating? (2) how you’re eating? (3) why you’re eating? (4) where you’re eating? In this episode, you’ll discover the “4 Horsemen” of eating and how becoming a more highly skilled...
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How To “Switch On” An Automated Process That Keeps You More Lean, Strong And Fit

Episode #25

What if you could just "switch on" a system in your body that would keep you more lean, fit and strong without you having to do anything.  Well, have I got BIG NEWS for you!! It doesn't exist.  BUT! There is a process...
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EP 24 | How To Push Out Of The Comfort Zone With A Personal Statement

Episode #24

One of the most simple, yet powerful actions I’ve taken over the past 2-4 years is creating personal mission statements or “power statements” that, in a few words, remind me of who I am, what I’m pursuing in life, and...
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A Hammer Or A Bulldozer? (A Tempting Mistake That Can Cost You Years Of Robust Health)

Episode #23

Imagine with me for a moment… you just bought a house! Yay!!!!   And it’s PERFECT…. expect for those kitchen cabinets… and the bathroom linoleum… and the weird half wall blocking in the kitchen…   Ok, it’s a great...
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4 Questions To Break Free From Procrastination... Yet Nobody Asks Them

Episode #22

In this episode, you're going to discover 4 questions that can help you break free from procrastination and just do the darn thing. While it may appear like no big deal, procrastination is one of most powerful forces...
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Lessons From A 24-Hour Ruck: Leadership, Positive Focus, And Finding Joy In The (Uncomfortable) Process.

Episode #21

It’s sometime around 2AM… On some forgotten logging road in the middle of nowhere in the Oklahoma mountains… With feet that are bleeding and blistered all over… That I discover a powerful truth (3 of them, in fact)...
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The Great Diet Deception (And What To Do Instead)

Episode #20

In 2008, Michale Phelps set a world record while SWIMMING BLIND! As Phelps dove into the water to start the race, his goggles failed to seal properly against his face… instantly flooding them with water and leaving...
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Making Nutrition Simple: 3 Core Principles That Support ANY Goal

Episode #19

You type “what is the best diet” into Google and you’re immediately bombarded with 3.6 BILLION page recommendations… Jump on social media and your feed is flooded with diet + supplement ads that have been targeted at...
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Do New Year’s Resolutions Work? Joe-ology. 5-Second Goal Setting For Busy Peeps.

Episode #18

Every year around this time, the internet and social media erupt with everyone and their grandma’s hot takes regarding if new year’s resolutions work or not.  Do they? You want something better than my hot take? How...
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