Human Powered

Human Powered

Hosted by: Joseph Oehlschlaeger

Welcome to Human Powered, a podcast that will help you live more happy, healthy, fit and FREE! Here, you'll get simple, actionable steps for optimizing nutrition, exercise, sleep, habits and psychology so you can...

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EP 17: The 4 Biggest Lessons Learned In 2022

Episode #17

The lessons, losses, victories, and struggles of 2022 become the foundation upon which we build 2023. I wanted to share with you the 4 biggest lessons I learned in 2022 in the hopes that you can benefit from my...
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The Home-Run Meals Blueprint: Easy-To-Make Meals That You Love (And Get You Lean)

Episode #16

The meals we eat determine how much we weigh and how lean we get (and stay). Meals cooked at home have consistently been shown to be a powerful way to not just lost fat and stay lean but also to optimize our daily...
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Use This 3-Part Process For Making Powerful Decisions To Elevate Your Impact & Influence

Episode #15

Do you ever feel stuck or paralyzed making a decision? You don’t know what to do at first, so you put if off to think more… and the longer you think about it the more stress, overwhelm, and despair set in? It can be a...
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Your 401h: Here’s How To Invest In Your Health & Fitness “Portfolio”

Episode #14

If you want a leaner, stronger, healthier, more high performing body (and mind), then it’s time to realize that your health & fitness is one of your most valuable assets.  Your “health portfolio” is a collection...
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How To Drop 10-20 lbs (Without Dieting)

Episode #13

Diets Suck. By “diets” I mean popular patterns of eating such as: -Carnivore -Keto -Paleo -Whole 30 They require TONS of effort and sacrifice and….. They rarely ever work.  Yes, you may lose some weight while on the...
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Health Freedom | A Manifesto For Those Who Want To Live Fully Alive

Episode #12

You may be bankrupt and you don’t even realize it.  I’m not talking about money. I hope you have plenty of that.  I’m talking about your health. You see, incredible health and wealth are built with the same...
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A Simple Framework For Consistent Healthy Habits

Episode #11

Is there a system, framework or methodology for creating any success, outcome, or results that you want in life? Be it a leaner body, high level of energy, one million dollars, stronger and deeper relationships...
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3 (Uncommon) Strategic Systems That Get You Leaner, Fitter, And Healthier

Episode #10

Do you struggle to stick-to your new diet? Gym membership? Healthy habit? Same. If you spend much time on social media these days, most influencers say you just need more discipline, willpower, or motivation. “You...
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Meet Your New Best Friend: Walking

Episode #9

Do you ever struggle to consistently get physical activity into your day? Between hectic daily schedules.. Building business empires.. Traveling for work, fun, adventure… It can be challenging to work regular physical...
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One Simple First Step Toward A Leaner Body Composition

Would you like to be about 10-20 lbs leaner?  If so, today’s episode shares the beginning step my housemates have chosen to do in order to begin working toward their own goal of dropping about 10 lbs of bodyfat over...
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Forget motivation, this is how you actually make a new habit stick

Motivation is one of the most powerful forces on the planet.  However, it’s more of a fickle lover than Taylor Swift’s boyfriend in her song “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.” Motivation goes up and down, in...
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3 Breakfast Tweaks For A Leaner, Stronger Body

Episode #6

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Not really, according to most research.  However, there are at least two unique factors to consider when choosing what to eat with your first meal of the day.  If you...
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